What does it mean to dream big?
Well, it can be as big as becoming the first female president, getting into your dream school, taking a risk asking for that promotion or as platonic as Bradley Cooper realizing you’ve been the one for him all along. Regardless, 41 Winks represents these strong female figures of all shapes, colors, and sizes. She is the girl next to you in pilates, in the checkout line at Whole Foods, raising her hand in your lecture hall or passing you by on the street with an extra bit of umph in her step (is that Beyonce we hear through her headphones?). She surrounds herself with inspiring and optimistic individuals, and is not weakened by those who try to bring her down. A lady of 41 Winks is..well, a diva. She’s the female version of a hustler — following her dreams and running the world.
With aspirations this monumental, she needs a bed that can compliment them. This hardworking, outgoing and fashionable young woman finds her bedding at 41 Winks, where she can obtain that extra wink of sleep and wake feeling rejuvenated and prepared to take on anything and everything that comes her way. 41 Winks lets you dream in unique, comfy and stylin’ bedding so that you start your day feeling inspired. Your day ends in your bed, as well as begins, so it’s only fair to have a bed as well-bred as you!
XXO The Ladies of 41 Winks