Raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by...a hater. Ok put your hand down and breathe a sigh of relief, because you're in great company. We live in a hyper-connected world and in a takedown culture, which can be a pretty poisonous combination. The truth is haters' hate can strike anyone at anytime from any angle. Old ways of hate, new ways of hate, sneaky hate, mean hate, rude hate, "funny" hate. You name it, they'll hate it. I know I've felt hate. My role models have, all great women in history have, anyone who has ever done something out of their comfort zone or anyone else's'. I mean lets get real, anyone with a public Instagram account has had a taste of Haterade. And dare I even dive into the army of hate that clouds Taylor Swift and Kylie Jenner's social media accounts? So ok, everyone's a critic and has an easily accessible platform to make that super-duper incredibly clear. But are you ready for the silver lining? NONE OF THAT ISH MATTERS IF YOU DON'T WANT IT TO!
That's right, you're in control. Sometimes all that shade being thrown at us makes it hard to see clearly. Sometimes the external hate morphs into internal hate, and the whole whole world flips upside down. Take a step back. Now take 5 more. Now take that nonsense out of your life! Poof be gone! I'm serious. You decide what matters, you decide what effects you, and you know hater's gonna hate.
Sometimes something strikes a nerve, causes a tear, creates a fear or maybe a meltdown - hey, we've been there- the important thing is we're not there now and we're not going back anytime soon. Here's why: we're BLOCKING THAT HATE OUT! 10 points you, 0 points hater. Hip, hip, hooray!
Blocking out all the hate, all the negativity, all the nonsense so that you can focus on you is NOT a weakness. It's a skill. Nay. It's a super power! And it will prove to be an invaluable tool in life. You will, I repeat you will come across people who dislike you for no reason. What kind of BS is that? BLOCK IT OUT! Let go of what's not serving you, and serve yourself. Self love baby, that's what's up.

Which brings me to my new favorite thing, our Bailey BLOCK OUT THE HATERS Eye Masks. Our eye masks shine bright even when the haters throw shade ;) Inspired by previously referenced haters everywhere that we face as a girl, a student, an entrepreneur, an artist, a nerd, an imperfect being... as a freakin' human! They're made in NYC with our super soft familiar Bailey fabric, shining with distressed metallic text. So put one on, block out that haters, and support of culture of self-loving anti-haters!
ps- Check out rockstar blogger Rora Blue's awesome feature on our BLOCK OUT THE HATERS MASKS, and some other cute 41 Winks products HERE!
Xx Morgan and the girls of 41 Winks ;)